Media & Resources

Capitol Report: Canceled Arts

Chinese regime censors US company in South Korea

China Uncensored Interview

Why is the CCP trying to destroy this show?

American Thought Leaders Interview

Shen Yun Shatters Communist Party Narratives, Prompting Attacks by China’s Regime

The Long Arm of Chinese Censorship Reaches South Korea

Article in The Diplomat that provides a good summary of the Seoul KBS incident in context

Video Report: Seoul Cancels Shen Yun Performance

Who’s behind the censorship in Korea?

Radio Interview: Overnight with Susie Elelman

10-minute interview on a range of topics ahead of Shen Yun’s Sydney performances

Dancers Bring China to Kern

Article from Southern California paper that touches upon sabotage attempts

El Mundo (Spanish): China Tries to Ban Premier Performance in Barcelona

Author Juan Pablo Cardenal writes about the consulate’s attempts to cancel performances in Spain. (Spanish): Two ‘Shen Yun’ Interviews for Understanding China Today

Includes both an article and uncut interviews with me and MC partner Meilin Klemann

Berliner-Zeitung (German): Censorship – Chinese Embassy Wanted to Prevent Dance Theatre

“Cold War at Potsdamer Platz…”

EU Observer: Belgian Police Try to Censor Posters Ahead of China Visit

When the Chinese embassy tried using flags to hide Shen Yun posters from Xi Jinping.

Seattle King5 News: China Asks Seattle Leaders to Skip Dance Troupe Performance

“The Chinese government has asked Seattle’s elected leaders to skip an upcoming performance by a New York-based Chinese-American dance troupe.”

Beijing Spring (Chinese): Free Advertising from Beijing

An article I wrote for the overseas-Chinese publication summarizing these incidents and their causes.

Washington Times: An Empty Seat a Broken Heart

Op-ed by Shen Yun’s erhu soloist Mei Xuan about her husband’s abduction.

Brief Mention on The View (video clip)

Joy Behar talks about seeing Shen Yun and how it cannot perform in China.

The Epoch Times: Hong Kong Court Upholds Freedom and Shen Yun

A landmark court ruling on March 9 in Hong Kong has successfully overturned the Immigration Department’s decision to refuse entry of key members of the Shen Yun Performing Arts company last year.”

The Wall Street Journal – Hong Kong and the Falun Gong Drama

“One more sign that the territory is bowing to China’s mandarins”

South China Morning Post: Dance Troupe Cancels Falun Gong Shows

About the cancellation of seven sold-out shows in Hong Kong.

LA Times: O.C. Official ‘Insulted’ by China Letter

Orange Country Board of Supervisors chairman, who received the letter, called it: “An attempt by a foreign government to dictate to American elected officials”

New Zealand 3News (Video): Chinese Govt Request ‘Breach of Human Rights’

The Chinese government has been told to butt out of local politics after apparently asking Auckland councillors to stay away from a dance show.”

Amnesty International: Urgent Action for Shen Yun Performer’s Husband

Jiang Feng may have been detained in order to pressure her to cease her involvement with the Shen Yun Performing Arts group


Here are some of my favorite resources on these topics:

On Shen Yun

The official site of Shen Yun Performing Arts

Shen Yun – ‘Challenges We Face’ – an entire section devoted to the subject of the CCP’s attempts to sabotage Shen Yun.

About Shen Yun – a company introduction

Shen Yun Blog – written by performers; I have a few entries there as well

On Falun Gong/Falun Dafa

The Falun Dafa Information Center – News, basic information, FAQs, photo galleries, and testimonials about the persecution of Falun Gong.

‘What is Falun Gong?’

‘Why is Falun Gong persecuted in China?’

Timeline of Falun Gong in China – the official site about the practice of Falun Dafa and its teachings (which can also be read there)

Ethan Gutmann’s monumental book The Slaughter: Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting, and China’s Secret Solution to its Dissident Problem. My post about it. On Amazon.

Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting

On CCP’s Overseas Propaganda Campaigns

The Long Shadow of Chinese Censorship: How the Communist Party’s Media Restrictions Affect News Outlets Around the World (A report to the Center for International Media Assistance)

China Media Bulletin: A monthly update of press freedom news and analysis related to China 

‘Willing Proxies Give China’s Censors a Global Reach’

‘China’s Transnational Censorship’


U.S. State Department Reports International Cases of Interference with Shen Yun

Congressional House Resolution 304 – about how the persecution of Falun Gong in China has been extended by foreign agents in the United States

Letter from EU VP Edward McMillan-Scott to the Moldovan Government

Canada’s Hon. David Kilgour Writes to Moldova’s Parliament

Letter from EU VP to the Ukrainian PM

From the Chairwoman of European Parliament Subcommittee on Human Rights Heidi Hautala

Statement from Congressman Joseph Cao at Capitol Hill Information Session

Statement from Congressman Gus Bilirakis at Capitol Hill Information Session

Letter from Congressman Gus Bilirakis to Hong Kong

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s Statement on Hong Kong